Developing Your call
While the conventional idea of discipleship is centered around following Jesus, we approach it with the full scope of Jesus’ words to the disciples’ call In Mark 1:17. Jesus calls his first disciples by saying, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” In other words, to be a disciple is to follow Jesus AND learn how to make other disciples. We seek to create and partner with learning environments to identify and develop a sense of call in the lives of believers. For questions or interest, email Pastor Erik at
Greenhouse Cohort
From September to May cohort participants meet bi-weekly to gain a Kingdom awareness, identify their own gifts, and discover their call and current assignment from God.
Kingswood cohort
This cohort is sponsored by the Great Lakes Region of the Wesleyan Church and facilitated by Kingswood University. It offers 6 seminary-level courses for an extremely affordable price for anyone looking to pursue licensing as a pastor. Click here to learn more…
Pioneers basic training
Facilitated by Groundswell Network, the Pioneers Basic Training is anyone looking to develop a “Fresh Expression” ministry, which simply a way of describing a ministry that exists outside the “walls” of the church. This is a great experience for entrepreneurs and other pioneer-types looking to be a kingdom presence in the world. It is recommended that an individual completes the Greenhouse Cohort experience before applying to Pioneers Basic Training. Click here to learn more…