In our drive to be a people of prayer, we invite you to join us on February 14th at 6pm as we kick off the season of Lent. Because this is an online meeting, we’ll be emphasizing themes in a traditional Ash Wednesday Service, but will not be placing ashes.
What is Lent? It’s the traditional season celebrated by Christians world-wide that leads up to Easter. It marks 40 days (not counting Sundays) before Easter. It’s meant to be a season of preparation and recentering on Jesus. Lent usually begins with a celebration called “Ash Wednesday.” It’s a service of humility in the recognition of our human condition, symbolized by the placement of ashes on foreheads as versions of Eccelesiastes 3:10 are read: “All go to one place; all are from the dust, and all turn to dust again.”
At Mosaic, we’re living into the Lenten season by journeying through the book of Mark on Sundays in a series called The Simple Gospel, with the aim of re-anchoring ourselves in the good news of Jesus.